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Fake State

Mike Flux —  2024 / 1 Tracks / AAHM Records / AAHMFS0824
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    01. Fake State
    Mike Flux


Mike Flux’s new track “Fake State” is a powerful anthem that cuts through the facade of artificial beauty standards. In the song, Flux delivers sharp verses about women chasing perfection in a world obsessed with appearances. He critiques the pressure to conform with fake lips, hips, and all the superficial enhancements that mask true self-worth. The track emphasizes the importance of inner beauty, self-love, and authenticity, urging listeners to embrace their natural selves rather than fall for society’s unrealistic ideals. With a catchy chorus and a message that resonates, “Fake State” is a call to keep it real in a world full of pretense.

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    01. Fake State
    Mike Flux

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    01. Fake State
    Mike Flux

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